Voluntary return workshop – 5 March 2022
In partnership with the GIZ.
In partnership with the GIZ.
Let’s learn more about dental and oral health and its impact on health more generally. In favour of kids of 6 and 12 years old.
Cooking workshops for unaccompanied minors every Friday at the Fondation Orient-Occident of Rabat
The Foundation offers Darija courses in partnership with the Roots Academy! Registrations to participate in the 2022 session are open!! If you wish to benefit from the Darija courses set up by the FOO within the Judur language institute – @rootsacademy.ma or obtain information contact the ROOTS team on 0626260202 to make an appointment and
A project in partnership with IOM – International Organization for Migration
A project in partnership with IOM – International Organization for Migration.
Several activities and workshops were organized at the Fondation Orient-Occident of Rabat to celebrate the International Migrants Day.
In the framework of the #16DaysofActivismagainstGender-BasedViolence campaign, the Fondation Orient-Occident has organized different workshops and activities: -A workshop on nonviolent communication. -An awareness raising workshop against gender-based violence. -An Art Therapy workshop.