The president of the Foundation Orient-Occident, Yasmina Filali 2017 Yasmina Filali receives the Elissa-Didon Prize, by the Presitious Foundation Tyr 2016 Yasmina Filali, President of the Foundation Orient-Occident receives the prize of “Social entrepreneur for the year 2016”. This prestigious prize rewards Yasmina Filali and her Foundation action in favor of migration. 2015-2016 Consolidation of the Partnerships with the International Cooperation and the major United Nations agencies on Migration. Extension of the activity in the field of migration in Italy and France. 2014 Awarded with the Prize for interculturality of the Republic Of Austria. 2014 Opening of various apartments and emergency rooms in Rabat for the protection of Refugees, minors not accompanied, and girls and women forced into prostitution. New Activity – Accompaniment of the private sector and Corporate for the Implementation of their CSR policy. 2009-2012 Strategic partnership with the OCP group in the Regions of Khouribga and Safi, the creation of programs in favor of young people. 2008 The Foundation is awarded with the “Human Rights Prize of the French Republic”. 2007 New orientations of the Foundation: Opening of a vocational training center for professional Tourism in Larache. Strategic partnership with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and opening of a Reception center for refugees and migrants. The Foundation Orient-Occident organizes the 1st Edition of the Festival Rabat Africa. 2004-2006 Inauguration of the two new socio-educational centers of the Fondation Orient Occident in Oujda, and in Casablannca. 2003 The Foundation is committed to sustaining its vision, establishing a long term development strategy, duplicating its concept in other cities of the Kingdom, with an entrepreneurial vision. (Rabat, Oujda, Larache, Casablanca Sidi Moumen, Safi). 2001 Opening to the public of the socio-educational center of Yacoub El Mansour in Rabat. 3000 members in 6 months. 1998 – 2000 Works in Yacoub El Mansour (Rabat), the concept of Yasmina Filali, realized by the architect Noureddine Komiha, is a building that would be “a bridge between the “Two shores of the Mediterranean “. 1998 Establishment of Friends of Orient-Occident Foundation in New York, USA. 1996 The Foundation is recognized of public utility. Creation in Paris of AFOOFRANCE Association, law act 1901. 1995 Launch of the Foundation at a gala in Marrakech under the patronage of Naguib Mahfouz, winner of the Nobel Prize of Literature and in the presence of the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwich. 1994 Creation by Yasmina Filali of the Fondation Orient-Occident during an initiatory journey on the traces of Saint-Exupéry “the flight of the sands” in Ouarzazate.